Self -Awareness

Our personal values underlie everything we are and do. That’s why self-awareness is key to self success. There are three levels to reaching self-awareness. The first level is understanding one’s emotions through self-reflection. The second level is the ability to ask yourself why you feel the way you feel- it’s harder than you think because this level requires you to be completely and utterly honest with yourself. The third level which is the deepest level is connecting your why to your personal values and standards. So if one of the values you live by is honesty and the people around you are not honest and they are a bunch of liars, BAM, you know why are you feeling irritated all the time. When you reach this level of self-awareness you will be able to move on in your life and move forward, happily and successfully. Values differ from one person to another that’s why it is important that you measure your personal values to your why not the values of what society believes or the majority of the people believe- measure your why to what you believe in and value the most💫

Self Development

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