Holding the title of ‘human’ is one of the most profound titles everyone by default is given by birth. But unfortunately, because people tend to disregard the so-called ‘little’ things they forget all about humanity and tend to focus on their ‘given’ ‘other’ titles in life. Appreciation is not just a word, it is an action that leaves a mark in your heart for the rest of your life. Your mind may not restore many actions but it will never forget any size of appreciation. I’ve heard all sorts of crap about appreciation throughout my life such as people who show appreciation are weak, or you shouldn’t do it too often, or don’t show appreciation except after something huge that is worthwhile-whatever that means- bottom line appreciation makes a profound and positive difference. Appreciation from the smallest thank you, pat on the shoulder, kind facial gesture, and so much more… leads to the largest impact on human behavior and actions. You see as a human, human beings are not programmed as robots they are humans and as humans, everything related to emotional well-being makes an enormous difference. Show appreciation to the people in your life, appreciate their commitment to helping you during your hard times, value their contributions, and, most importantly, thank them for their support and love. When we take the time to let people know that we value and appreciate them, it creates a culture that allows others to do the same. Make a difference and learn to appreciate everything and everyone in your life not only today but everyday.