Have you ever had to sit and listen to how a liar justifies his/her lying? OMG! It is mind-boggling how one can try to be so convincing to justify lying. Lately, I’ve been in constant debates and arguments in regards to people who classify and justify lying. So, I’ve been told that the white lies are harmless and the black ones are deceitful. ok And it’s ok to use the white lie but not the black? With all due respect to all classifications, isn’t it still a lie? So would there be a white deception and a black deception as well? Does that mean that all morals and ethics are justified based on their color code?
At the end of the day, a lie is a lie, use all the colors you want to justify and clarify whatever ur trying to color code, you’ll still be called a liar at the end.. sorry not sorry

Thanks, I’ve been looking for this for a long time